Privacy Policy
Welcome to MARKET53.COM (referred to as the ‘Site’). We recognize the importance of online privacy, especially when conducting business. This policy outlines our privacy practices for both visitors (“Visitors”) who browse the Site without conducting transactions and for those who register and engage in business activities, collectively known as “Authorized Customers”.
Definition of ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII)
This refers to any information that directly identifies or can be used to identify an individual. This includes, but is not limited to, name, address, phone number, email, financial data, social security number, and credit card information. It excludes information collected anonymously or unconnected demographic data.
Collection of Personally Identifiable Information
We gather basic user profile data from all Visitors and additional information from our Authorized Customers. For Authorized Customers, this may include business details, contact information, and details about intended transactions.
Information Collection by Third Parties
While we directly collect information, third-party service providers like credit card companies or banks may also collect data from Visitors and Authorized Customers. We do not control their use but request disclosure of their data practices.
Use of Personally Identifiable Information
We utilize this data to personalize the Site, tailor service offerings, and facilitate transactions. Additionally, we may email Visitors and Authorized Customers regarding research opportunities or information related to the Site’s scope. It may also be used to respond to specific inquiries.
Sharing of Information
Authorized Customer data may be shared with other Authorized Customers for evaluating potential transactions. Aggregated Visitor and Authorized Customer data, including demographics, may be shared with affiliated agencies and third-party vendors.
Storage and Security of Personally Identifiable Information
All Personally Identifiable Information collected by Conosur is securely stored and not accessible to unauthorized parties or employees, except for specific usage as mentioned above.
Options for Visitors Regarding Information Collection
Visitors and Authorized Customers can opt out of receiving unsolicited information or contact from us or our affiliates by following the instructions in received emails or by contacting us directly.
Use of Cookies
Cookies are used to gather Visitor preferences and enhance security for Authorized Customers. For instance, inactive sessions are automatically logged out after a specified time.
Utilization of Login Information
Information like IP addresses, ISPs, and browser types is used for analysis, site administration, and demographic understanding.
Access to Personally Identifiable Information by Partners
We have partnerships with vendors who may access Personally Identifiable Information for service evaluations. Our policy doesn’t cover their data collection or usage.
Disclosure for Legal Compliance
We may disclose Personally Identifiable Information to comply with legal requirements, such as court orders or law enforcement requests.
Security Measures
Our employees are trained in security practices, and access to Personally Identifiable Information is limited. We regularly review and audit our security systems. Encryption is used for sensitive data transmission.
Correction of Inaccuracies
Visitors and Authorized Customers can update or correct their Personally Identifiable Information by contacting us via email.
Deletion or Deactivation of Information
Visitors and Authorized Customers can request deletion or deactivation of Personally Identifiable Information, which will be promptly processed, except for data needed for backups or record-keeping purposes.
Notification of Policy Changes
Changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site. If substantial changes might disclose previously restricted information, affected Visitors or Authorized Customers will be notified.
External Links
The Site contains links to other websites. Please review their privacy policies as they may differ from ours when you access these linked sites.